Take Back Your Power

Through this adjustment to the world’s current reality, we are inspired and motivated daily by our patients’ fierce commitment to ongoing health and wellness through these difficult times.  Checking in with your support systems is extremely important, especially now.  We must continually keep ourselves grounded and accountable to our goals.  Finding this resolve and determination is ultimately what makes us more and more motivated, and better able to maintain good habits long-term.  Whether it’s checking in with supportive friends, your counselor, your doctor, your trainer, an online workout video, a meditation app or a virtual get-together with friends, having regular check-ins with positive people or activities creates a routine and space to focus on what you need.  Sharing with others can help create ideas and strategies, as well.Many people are trying to create a routine in order to feel grounded. It can be difficult when your kids are at home and you are organizing their fun and learning, while also trying to work, trying to eat in a healthy way, get some movement, and at the same time getting things done that you want to.  For front-line workers and those in essential service jobs, this is an incredibly difficult time as they try to maneuver things like childcare, their own health needs, and major anxieties about heightened exposure while they head into work every day.  We extend so much gratitude and acknowledgement to everyone in a front-line position or essential service job: thank you, from the bottom of our hearts. For those of us alone in our isolation, trying not to fall into a depressive state can be a challenge.  Many people are dealing with devastating financial impacts and the unknown of future employment. Each of us has our own unique stressors that we are trying to navigate.Try scheduling a few “appointments” for yourself over the next few days or week; things that you could look forward to that will make you feel positive.  For myself, I scheduled a bedtime story with my grandson, 2 balcony “natural light” sessions, a chat with my coach, and a 7-minute workout.  I have written out a few goals going into the weekend, one of them being to cook up some food to have leftovers, and a list of podcasts I want to work through.  If you write down 2-3 things you want to accomplish, the act of doing these things gives you a sense of purpose and well-being.Ultimately, motivation doesn’t just come to us.  The more we wait for it, and the more we blame our situation, circumstances or stress on the fact that we don’t have it, the more we fall into a victim mentality. This mentality creates negativity and complacency.  From this place, we lose our power.   However, we can powerfully create motivation out of resolve, determination and action.  Especially now, when things may feel bleak and unpredictable, we can take our power back by choosing one or two things that will make us feel healthier every day.I challenge you to choose one or two things to do today that will make you feel better tomorrow. Try to focus on today, and not think too far into the future.  We humans love predictability, which is why this whole situation is causing us so much anxiety. So, focus on today. Check in with the people in your life who support your healthy habits. Share with them what you’re going through and create strategies. Check in with apps or activities that you enjoy. Do something creative. These are powerful choices you can make that will create the motivation you might feel is missing right now.No matter where you’re at, keep focusing on your goals and the things that make you feel good.  You may have had to change your routine but keep building on the new things you’re doing to stay healthy, mentally and physically. We are all in this together. Keep supporting one another! Remember: you are powerful, resilient and courageous.  Never, ever give up on your health!Dr. Doug