A morning routine

One of my favourite people to listen to is Tim Ferris, who wrote ‘Tool of Titans'. He is interesting because he has overcome many personal barriers to become physically, psychologically and financially successful; his podcasts are all about interviewing successful people from all walks of life, and he tries to break down characteristics and habits that helped make them successful and how they overcame barriers.

One of the more interesting things he asks all of his guests is about their morning routine. Almost all of them, including Ferris himself, have some sort of morning routine. It sets them up for the day, such that, no matter what happens or deflects them, they have grounded themselves and solidified those things that might bring about a satisfying day.

The reason I bring this up, is that I believe a lot of us simply get up and are racing to get the kids ready for school, and or just getting ourselves to work. More of a mindless panic as we wait for the day to unfold.

Tim purposely gets up, makes his favourite tea, and journals for 5 to 10 minutes, setting down things he wants to get done. He may even write those things that make him grateful for who he is and who he wants to become. He, and most of the guests he interviews, often do some sort of physical activity. It could be as easy as stretching or Tai chi, or making time to do some push-ups and sit ups and squats. Others may get up quite early and go through a whole exercise routine. Having done these things, they feel grounded. They know they have grounded themselves and are more likely to have more confidence to face the day. Even if the day becomes chaotic, they have at least identified (journaling) who they are, what they would like to do, and things they are grateful for.

I think a lot of us could learn from this. I hear over and over, lack of preparation, lack of motivation, lack of clarity of what he or she wants to achieve, lack of desire to exercise, and so on. The day becomes lost and we are eating whatever, and by the end of the day, feel so tired, we just want to watch TV in the evening.

What then would happen, if we started the day with a morning ‘ritual' or ‘routine', something that would quiet the mind? It would ground us in some clear thinking for the day. Have a small book to journal in, make coffee or tea, and write your thoughts of what you want to do and become (not a to do list, more of a self-reflection to understand and solidify who you are, and what things would make this a good day). Possibly it would include all those things you talked about in the beginning, when you began your weight loss journey? It might include ideas for what you are going to eat that day (or not eat). It might also include that thought that you know you would feel on top of the world if you went to the gym after work or walked at noon hour.

After journaling, you could simply do some stretching, or 5 minutes of some strength workout; something to get the heart pumping. As meagre as this may sound, you will feel better for it such that even if the hours of the day take away time you were hoping to have to go to the gym, you will feel better because you did something.

How about you make the day, and not, the day makes you?
You will be better prepared.
You will make better decisions.
You will feel grounded.

Keep searching for what works for you, it's a long journey to health, so never ever give up trying.

Dr. B

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