Don’t get stalled by thoughts of failure

Confidence is built upon an experience of success. When we first begin any undertaking, we are likely to have little confidence, because we have not learned from experience that we can succeed. It is literally true that success breeds success. Even a small success can be used as a stepping stone to a greater one.
Developing confidence that you can succeed in losing weight, is one of absolute confidence that somehow it will be done. If we focus on past failures, or the most recent excess intake of food, our minds develop failure thoughts, and we will begin to sabotage all the efforts we have put into our goal of a healthier lifestyle.
You must develop the technique of remembering past successes, and forgetting failures (real or perceived). What most of us do is destroy our confidence by remembering past failures and forgetting all about past successes. We not only remember failures, we impress them on our minds with emotion. We condemn ourselves. We flay ourselves with shame and remorse, and self-confidence disappears.
It doesn't matter how many times you have failed in the past. What matters is the successful attempt, which should be remembered, reinforced, and dwelt upon.
Use errors and mistakes as a way of learning, and then dismiss them from your mind. Deliberately remember and picture your past successes. Everyone has succeeded sometime at something. Especially, when beginning a new task, call up the feelings you experienced in some past success, however small it might have been.
What I hear most often in the office is "I messed up,” "It was a hard week at home and work;” then, "I can't seem to get myself back on track.” Life is always going to throw challenges at us, and we must learn to be confident that we can overcome them. There may be temporary setbacks, but re-adjust your mind to success mode. Know that you can control your portions tomorrow, because you were able to do it last week or last month. Nothing has changed except your mind set. You are now thinking failure thoughts. Turn on your success thoughts and feelings. Visualize yourself eating well. Visualize the last time you had a good day of eating and you felt excellent about how you did. You can repeat this. It takes practice.
We must recognize our mistakes and shortcomings before we can correct them. Accept yourself. Be yourself. You cannot realize the potentialities and possibilities inherent in you if you keep turning your back upon yourself and feeling ashamed.
If you are at a mental impasse, and feel you cannot change behaviours around your eating, you can also work on selecting goals you wish to achieve; concentrate on these rather than on what you do not want.
Force your mind to always be trying to think about becoming successful at good eating and regular exercise. Don't dwell on any slips, no matter how small or large. Losing weight and keeping it off is largely a mental exercise, and the reward will go to those who are willing to ‘fail' and get up and try again!

Keep on trying. Don't ever give up.

Dr. Doug

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