Planning for Success!
Holidays and special occasions can present a challenge because food is often a part of the celebrations. We are surrounded by temptations, everybody is eating, special foods are on offer and there may be social pressures to eat. The best strategy is to try not to gain weight while still enjoying the festivities. Here are a few suggestions to help you have fun and either maintain your weight or minimize weight gain.
1) It is important to plan ahead. Think about that special event in advance. Try to anticipate the foods that will be available. If you have thought about a situation and devised a plan you have a better chance of controlling what you eat. Having planned what you will eat will give you a feeling of self confidence and being in control.
2) Allow yourself a treat but make sure it is absolutely worth it. Then enjoy every mouthful. Try special foods and avoid things such as bread and chips. There again, by planning you are less likely to lose control.
3) If going out for a meal, plan your foods for the rest of the day. Save your simple carbohydrates for that special meal. Make sure you have enough protein during the day so you don't arrive hungry. This will help prevent you from overeating and help you to make better choices.
4) Remember that food is not the only part of the celebration. Enjoy other aspects such as being among friends and family. Focus on the social.
5) If asked to bring food, take something that is high in nutrition and low in calories such as vegetables and dip or an interesting salad.
6) If the celebration is at your house, have some disposable containers available for your guests to take home any "tempting” leftovers.
7) Strive to be the slowest eater. Be the last to start and the last to finish. You will enjoy the food more and be satisfied with less if you eat slowly. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that your stomach is getting full. Talk and be social during the meal. It is difficult to eat and talk at the same time.
8) If serving yourself, fill your plate ¾'s with meat and vegetables leaving ¼ for the carbohydrates if you are choosing to have some.
9) Go easy on the alcohol. If having an alcoholic beverage, have a glass of water on the side. For every sip of alcohol have two or three sips of water. It makes your drink last longer. You might even try some sparkling water in a wine glass to save calories but still feel festive.
Remember, if you eat more than you intended, keep a positive attitude. One day's indiscretion does not ruin a diet. Your attitude is central to your ability to control your eating both during and after a celebration. The quality that separates a successful weight control program from an unsuccessful one is not perfection but THE ABILITY TO GET RIGHT BACK ON TRACK as soon as possible.
You can do it. Don't ever give up!