
I'll begin this week's letter with a quote by Zig Ziglar, who said, "You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.”

When I see people falter in their goals to become leaner and more fit, it's not that they lack ‘will-power' or ‘motivation'. It's that they have lost sight of who they want to become. In many instances, it is the external events that take away that singular important focus of one's own health. Other times it is the internal self-doubts about personal success that sabotage the person and lead to the ‘I knew I couldn't do it' feeling.

The mind is so much more powerful than some of us realize. You are what you think you are. You can choose to believe that you can do it or you can choose to believe that you can't - same mind, just using different emotions that you've created.

You must realize that your mind possesses innumerable power - more than you can ever imagine. This power must be awakened if you want to feel in control. We are constantly bathed in an energetic pool of thoughts, our own and those of others, which can have a tremendous impact, especially on those of us who are easily influenced by the thoughts of those around us. Until we begin to consciously think (positively) for ourselves, our thoughts may not really be our own, but rather the thoughts of others (external forces). Remember, success in making sure you stay on track with your eating is determined by your habitual trend of thought. So which is the stronger in you: success thoughts or failure thoughts?

A diet never fails, but it is our unwillingness to work on our negative self-talk that sabotages our efforts. This year, work on turning thoughts of ‘it's taking too long' or ‘I can't ever succeed in a diet', to "I will succeed, I can resist extra portions, I am worth it and I will not succumb to my friend who tells me it's ok to have extras.' Focus on the goals that you have set for yourself and just believe that you will accomplish them, regardless of what life throws at you.

Also, refuse to get caught up in the life and drama of others. If you allow yourself to be affected in this way, you can become as helpless, depressed or frustrated as they are. Mentally set yourself apart. Keep a focus on your life and where you are going. Specifically, avoid turning to food to suppress the emotions, but rather work on your emotions to suppress your intake of food.

The success journey to a healthy weight is really one of mental preparation. The same way you prepare to give a presentation or complete a project to the best of your ability, you must prepare to be a successful, mindful and controlled eater – regardless of external forces or internal concerns. Steel yourself to the fact that you will ultimately, willingly, successfully and happily eat well and get regular activity. Ensure that you work daily on your mental focus towards your own personal success.

You can do it. Just keep trying. Don't ever ever give up.

Dr. Doug

Motivational LettersGoals