Negative Chatter
I was driving to the arboretum to do a short work out, and in truth I had no deep desire to go. I knew I hadn't run for a while and my knees would certainly complain miserably for the first 10 minutes. Then a cascade of thoughts went through my head, ‘I need to get to the bank', ‘there is paper work to be done at the office', ‘tonight for sure I'll do some sort of work out', ‘maybe just skip today and focus on tomorrow'.
Now, I've listened to this chatter for a lifetime. Negative chatter. My brain looking for an escape from a workout. I chuckle when people tell me that I have some sort of innate motivation to do exercise. No, not really. All I know is I feel better once it's done. This is where the focus must be; getting it done, because all of us feel mentally better when the walk or cycle or swim or gym session is complete. Getting there, starting, can be downright miserable. So, we must not listen to the voice in our head looking for reasons not to do something. Focus instead on how you will feel once it's done. You will feel more alert, you will feel like you've accomplished something, and deep down, you will know you have given your body and mind a health fix greater than any pill you might ingest.
The same goes for food, and mainly the unnecessary snacking we all tend to do in the evening. We want the snack and make all the excuses in the world why tonight is just fine. We tell ourselves we will not repeat this tomorrow, or we deserve it after a hard day. We must focus on tomorrow and how we will feel if no snacks occur after supper. Much like exercise, if you can make it through the evening and wake up in the morning having not given into the chips or ice cream or cereal or whatever, you will feel good about yourself. Similarly, you won't have ingested food that was not only unnecessary, but that has negative consequences on your health.
Not that it works every time, but I will look at the clock and talk to myself and say "shut it down” once 7 pm hits. After so many repetitions tried over many years, this simple statement often works. It's a reminder, a mental slap in the face to just stop snacking. Usually (if I stop), I realize I'm not hungry at all. It is very important that I put the offending food away, well out of sight, and try to distract myself with reading.
Often I hear patients say that ‘other' people don't have to think about food, or fight the desire to eat or snack. I've met very few people like that over the years. It is a fight that we all endure, because food is so readily available, and no one really cares whether you eat or don't eat, exercise or don't exercise. This is your decision.
Realize, that on a daily basis, we can make (or try to make) decisions that will lead to better health. I know that the path to being healthy (losing weight/becoming fit), isn't easy. Most important though is not to listen to the chatter in the brain that tries to excuse ourselves from activity, or tries to justify thee snacks or second helpings. Think about tomorrow. How will you feel if you did some sort of exercise today? How will you feel if you minimize the snacks?
Most likely you will feel good about yourself, and that is what we need to do. If we can string a few of these kind of days together, then extend them into a few weeks, we will have accomplished a great deal. Weight will be less. We will be fitter. Clothes should be feeling looser.
All because we didn't listen to that negative self-talk. Never ever give up. Search for what works for you.
You can do it!
Dr. Doug