Narrow your focus

We have so many events and situations going on in our lives. Our minds are always thinking or worrying about a multitude of things. Even if we try to simplify our daily life it would, at the very least, include concerns about our job life, our home life, finances, and the health of those close to us. We are probably also concerned about our own present health and daily chores that should be completed. Most of these issues cannot be solved or fixed today, tomorrow or even one month from now. They are ongoing, and all we can do is chip away at each, trying to make them more manageable and less stressful. Easier said than done.

As our logical and emotional mind works away at all of these concerns, a lot of us are attempting to lose weight and exercise. We are trying to become healthier and develop a more balanced life. Easier said than done. Whether it be me, or any one of my clients who I see, it's incredibly hard to focus on eating the right combinations of carbohydrates (preferably very few), proteins (moderate only), and fats (lots), but also quantities. An example would be in the work situation. It's a stressful busy day, and there in front of you is a candy jar, or someone brought in some Tim Bits! Well, the stress of the day simply clouds our rational thought, and we eat those sugary things, not even concerned about the fact that we have sabotaged our efforts to lose weight.

Every day you must put on your 'suit of armour' - your protective shield that empowers you to say 'no' to the wrong foods and the wrong snacks, no matter what occurs, or how tired you get. We must realize that every day, somewhere, our defenses will be down and we will be tempted to succumb to the unfortunate pleasure of food.

For me, it means I am constantly trying to visualize how I want to look and feel, 3 months from now, or 12 months from now. I know when my danger times are (evening), and danger foods (chips) lie. Thus, every day my goal is to not eat after dinner. This is not always achieved mind you, but it remains a daily goal. Also, I try never to bring chips into the house. Once there---I will eat them.

Realize that you must think about YOU, constantly. How you want to look and feel in a few months has to be very very clear in your mind. YOU must learn to say 'no thank' you, if food is offered and it's something that you are trying to avoid. Know your danger foods and danger times and work on these daily. Once these habits are conquered for a while, it becomes easier and easier to stick to avoiding mindless snacks.

Expect that fatigue, pain, stress, lack of sleep, job demands, family demands will always be there to make it more difficult for you.....but with time, and with no guilt for those times you 'cave', you will be successful.

You can do it. Work at your personal focus daily and never ever give up trying.

Dr. Doug