Planning is Key for the Holidays

If we attempt to eat ‘perfectly' during the holidays we're more likely to fall into that all-or-nothing trap, and overindulge without restraints after the first "mistake”. By preplanning your treats, you are less likely to feel a loss of control.
Plan in advance how you will conduct yourself and what you will eat (not what you will NOT eat, since you must plan positively). This will generate a feeling of self-control and self- confidence that will do wonders for your self-esteem.
This is the best advice to counteract the feelings of helplessness and guilt that accompany impulse eating. Your preplanning should include some self-indulgence! The important thing is to outline a definite strategy, in writing, prior to the holidays. Your pre-planning should include the following behavioural techniques:
• Cue Elimination: Be aware of what or who fills you with anxiety. You may feel nervous or uncomfortable around some people; these people can drive you to eat. Spend time with friends and family who mean the most to you.
• Tuned-in Eating: Do nothing else when eating; focus in on taste and chewing.
• Alternative Activity Strategies: Do something that makes it impossible to eat such as talking. Make the main focus the social aspect rather than food.
• Plate-not-empty: Always leave something on your plate to replace the "clean your plate messages” that were programmed into your mind as a child.
• Contingency Contracts: "If-then” agreements to help you stick to your plan, for example "If I follow my plan at the party, then I will treat myself to a massage.”
• Mental Programming: Think about how you might overcome problems and obstacles in a situation and mentally rehearse for an upcoming party. Practice saying "no”.
• Exercise: Schedule time for exercise just as you would any other appointment and make it a priority. Even 15 minutes is better than nothing.
• Enjoy small portions: The first bite always tastes the best. Often a little is all we need.
• Stay Hydrated: Keep your water bottle with you at all times. When you feel the urge for a treat, drink a glass of water and see if that satisfies your need. Often we cannot distinguish whether we are hungry or thirsty.
• Delegate responsibilities: If you are hosting an event, allow your guests to contribute something. This not only helps your guests feel needed but takes some of the pressure off you.
Planning ahead allows us to approach the holidays with less stress and more joy. It also allows you to have realistic expectations for yourself and others. Savour the little moments that make the holidays special. Remember, the quality that separates a successful weight controller from an unsuccessful one is not perfection, but having the ability to GET RIGHT BACK ON TRACK as soon as possible if you do deviate.
You can do it!

Dr. B