It's Time To Get Started!

Many of you are doing well and are on track. However, some people have lost their focus, and are looking for the determination they once had. A lot of this is simple procrastination. But, we have to understand what leads us to procrastination. It's complicated. A lot of the time it's tied into a fear of failure. You have tried so many times in the past to lose weight, only to find yourself regaining, that to start the process again seems futile. "It can't be done; it's too hard; I'm too busy; I love food too much.”

Overcoming the fear of failure and becoming more decisive in your thoughts and actions will not only boost your confidence, but it will bring you ever closer to achieving your goals.

Time and time again studies have shown us that there is a direct correlation between focus and flow to success. If you understand exactly what needs to be done, and you have consciously acknowledged the payoff of achieving your goals sooner rather than later, you will feel empowered. You'll feel in control, happier, and grounded.

If fitness is being delayed there could be many excuses. Time is one of them, but it's a poor one, since the busiest of people will find time to exercise. But again, you won't make time to do this unless you see benefit. (i.e. more energy, toned body, better mood, better sleep, better health, etc.) Eating clean, watching your portions, and minimizing mindless snacks are a matter of preparation (thinking ahead)...but what is the benefit? (You feel better about yourself, your clothes fit better, and you have more confidence.)

A lot of people might avoid the gym because they think people are ‘looking at them'....but do you really know what they are thinking? There's a good chance they're thinking: ‘There's a person trying to make a healthy lifestyle change too.” (I always wave to other joggers/walkers along the canal; not because they are fast or fit, just because I know they have committed themselves to become or stay healthy).

So: how do you start when you feel unmotivated? First, don't procrastinate. It is not going to be any easier next week than it is tomorrow. In point of fact, the sooner you start changing the better you feel about yourself.

• Set some goals. For example, ‘I won't nibble after 8 pm;' or, ‘I will do some activity 15-30 minutes a day;' or, ‘I will only have one dessert per week.'

• Don't be afraid to start. What can you lose? Start documenting everything you are eating. This is the quickest way for people to begin to get on track. Be honest. Put down everything. Later, try to identify the emotion you had when you were eating mindlessly, so that you might recognize and change the pattern the next time it happens.

• Remember, your future health and happiness is in your control, not someone else's. Start making changes now. Don't put off that walk or bike, and stay away from unhealthy snacks. You want to be healthy into your 80's and beyond.

• Putting off eating properly and exercising regularly is no different than putting off that report or the studying you need to do for an exam, or the roof that needs repair. It won't be any easier 2 months for now, so just start.

Do your best. Get started. Realize there will be hurdles to go over, but the more you try, the smaller the hurdles become. You can do it. Just keep trying, and don't ever give up!

Dr. Doug

Motivational LettersGoals