Accentuate Behaviour Change NOT Weight Loss
If we are to make any headway in controlling our weight issues, it must come from behaviour change. Unfortunately, we focus only on the numbers on the scale. We ignore the fact we may have resisted dessert three times this week, when previously we might have said yes to those sugary sweets.
For instance, self-talk such as: "things I do are terrible”, "I am a failure”, "I have no control over my feelings”, "I can never change” or "my misery is caused by other people” are statements that are judgemental. They are also often used as an explanation or excuse to continue eating poorly. This type of self-talk must be redirected to describe your actions, not your feelings. In doing so, you must be realistic and you must avoid negative or punitive language. Negative self-talk will only lead to negative feelings of guilt, anger, frustration and depression.
It is important to avoid focusing on pounds lost over a specific period of time. Instead, begin emphasizing behaviour. Ask yourself, "What changes in eating behaviour have you achieved?”, "Do you now sit down to eat?”, "Do you eat more slowly?”, "Do you leave more on your plate then you used to?” We need to try and make eating a sole experience, rather than associating it with other activities like TV watching, reading, etc. Focus on pre-planning snacks and meals – Make it an enjoyable experience. Admire yourself for keeping food records and recording energy intake. These are the elements of your weight control effort that really count. If you have indeed made changes in these habits, then it's time to pat yourself on the back. Applaud yourself and say something encouraging like: "I am making progress.” or "Over time, these lifestyle changes will be WELL worth the effort.”
Essentially, what we are all trying to do is acquire long term behaviour change. Maintaining weight loss is the most difficult aspect of the weight loss journey. We must learn behaviours that will last a lifetime. Every positive change in eating behaviour that occurs is a magnificent thing. That should be the area of focus and celebration. When all we do is focus on the number on the scale (especially if by chance it hasn't gone down), we will most likely find ourselves in the middle of negative self-talk, yet again.
The journey is long, but well worth it. Do not get discouraged when you hit plateaus. These are to be expected. Just continue learning how to control your eating (what you eat, how much you eat, when you eat) and try to identify the things that tend to steer you toward mindless eating. If you can do that, you are another step closer to winning the battle!!
You can do it. Keep on trying and don't ever give up!
Dr. Doug
Article adapted from the ‘Lindor Manuals' provided by the ASBP.