A NEAT Approach to Weight Loss
When we think of exercise, we usually think of setting aside an amount of time to devote to going to a gym, or getting on a treadmill in the basement. However, as explained in last week's letter, we can also burn calories with "Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis" (NEAT) just by moving a little extra during the day.
Physical activity has been taken out of our society. We have cars, remote controls, elevators and escalators. Sometimes even finding a staircase can be a challenge. When we do find them, they are often dull and dreary. We have become a society that is programmed to sit (and often eat) whenever we can, even in our jobs.
An interesting study involving 2140 people looked at using automatic devices verses lifestyle activity. 97% of the people chose elevators and escalators over stairs, and 99% chose automatic doors over manual. People were even willing to line up to use an automated form even if the manual form was quicker! Recent studies also show that people who are obese spend more time sitting and lying down than people who are lean.
Enhancing one's daily lifestyle using NEAT is easy and can significantly improve long term weight loss success. In addition, we are more likely to continue NEAT activity than structured activity (i.e. exercising at a gym). NEAT activity is an additive to diet, exercise, and behaviour modification, and NOT meant to replace them in weight loss.
How can we incorporate NEAT activity?
- Park cars further away when out
- Use stairs rather than elevators or escalators
- Avoid moving platforms
- Pace while on the phone
- Do our own house cleaning, grass cutting, snow shoveling and gardening
- Fidget
- Rather than drive thru's, get out of the car to do banking or get a coffee. (This also helps with pollution and saves gas!)
- Get off the bus one stop sooner
- Stand when reading hard copies in the office
- Walk to school with our children rather than driving them (couch potatoes breed tater tots)
- Walk across the hall to speak to a co-worker, rather than e-mailing them
- Use the washroom on a different floor at work
- Leave your lunch in the car, so you have to go out and get it at noon hour
NEAT represents a creative addition to our lifestyles. We all need to look at what we can add and then make it a habit. So get thinking - how can you move a little more during your day?